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Cultural activities


Ability of a body to recover its original shape despite the forces that try to modify it; the ability of a person who was, to be again.

Resalire at the university
Exhibition Hall at the University of Vigo in Ourense
From 29 November to 30 December 2023
Talk by Fuco Reyes

“The process of creating Resalire”

Room A
Thursday, 29 November

Resalire is a photography project by the artist Fuco Reyes, through which he aims to bring us closer to the intimacy, dreams and imagined future of girls and boys in foster care. The project is based on some previous work with girls and boys, which sought the freedom of expression, captured by the photographer in a series of 14 portraits. Each image emerges through a conversation between the artist and the photographed person, along with a small text.

Resalire is part of the #NonNosXulgues(#DontJudgeUs) de-stigmatization campaign, through which the NGO Igaxes tries to eradicate the stigmas endured by young people in the protection system. In this case, the girls and boys in the sample look straight at us, appealing to our empathy and understanding, showing everything that means, in short, being a teenager.

The photographer Fuco Reyes, winner of more than a dozen photography awards, and with one of the most innovative and suggestive insights in Galicia, is the architect of this artistic work.