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Jorge Fernández del Valle

University of Oviedo

Currículum vitae

Jorge Fernández del Valle is a University Professor of Social Intervention at the University of Oviedo. Director of GIFI (Research Group on Family and Children) whose main line is the evaluation of both residential and family care programs, and the development of instruments that facilitate professional work in this field. As a researcher, he belongs to important international groups such as INTRAC networks (research on transitions to independent living from child protection), the International Research Network on Foster Care and APFEL network for the Promotion of Foster Care in Europe. He is also a member of the board of EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents) and coordinator of the International Working Group on Therapeutic Residential Care together with Lisa Holmes and James Whitaker.

Friday, 1 December at 13:00

“Transition to Adult Life from Protection System – Results of Research.”

The situation that arises when young people who are in foster care (particularly when it is residential) reach the age of majority has been one of the central problems of protection systems in all advanced countries. Back in 2008, a review of the international situation is published in a book edited by M. Stein and E. Munro which shows the great differences in the approach and support of these young people depending on each country. Since then, research has advanced enormously on this topic of transitions to adult life, largely due to the initiative of the network of researchers INTRAC (International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood from Care) promoter of the aforementioned book. A revised edition of this work is expected by 2024. This network that has been created by a group of twenty researchers currently brings together more than two hundred members. This presentation will review the research carried out both nationally and internationally and the consequences for improving care for young people in transition. It will look at the evolution from our pioneering work in 1999 (And then… what?) to recently launched innovative programs (PLANEA, Youth Mentoring, etc.)

Amaia Bravo Arteaga

University of Oviedo

Belén Urosa

Comillas Pontifical University

Carlos Rosón

IGAXES - Galicia

Cristina Blanco

Department of Social and Youth Policy of Galicia’s Government

Cristina Segura Talavera

Social Inclusion Director at La Caixa Foundation - Program Incorpora

Cristóbal Ruiz-Román

University of Málaga

Daniel Rijo

University of Coimbra

Diego Jesús Heredia Sánchez

Association Engloba, Andalusia

Guillem Cladera

Natzaret Foundation

Joana Miguelena

University of the Basque Country

João Pedro Gaspar

University of Coimbra and paje - Support Platform to Former Foster Care Youth

Jordi Longás Mayayo

University of Ramon Llull, Barcelona

Jorge Fernández del Valle

University of Oviedo

Juan Carlos Martín Quintana

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Laura García Alba

University of Oviedo

Laura Santos

University of Coimbra

Lidia González Moreno

Itaca Educational Association, Catalonia

Mª Auxiliadora López Fonseca

ASECAL - Castilla y León

Mafalda Sampaio Malheiro Da Silva

San José de Braga Office

Marcos Madrigal

Identidad para Ellos y Ellas - Asturias

María Carme Montserrat Boado

University of Girona

María Escribano

Sustainability/CSR internal communication and culture manager at Alsea - Alsea Group

Núria Diéguez

IGAXES - Galicia

Paula Mesquita

Social Security Institute of Madeira, State Institute of the Autonomous Region of Madeira

Paulo Delgado

Education Higher School of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute

Ricardo Barroso

University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

Robbie Gilligan

Trinity College Dublín

Santa Lázaro Fernández

Comillas Pontifical University

Sebastià Cladera Guardiola

Amés Foundation, Balearic Islans

Séraphin Alava

Militants Des Savoirs, Francia

Silvia Diana Jens

Cooperativa Redes - Madrid

Unai Zabala

Agintzari - Basque Country

Victor Martín Solbes

University of Málaga