Currículum vitae
Pilar Ramallal is a social educator and pedagogue. Master’s degree in Training Processes, Master’s degree in Intervention and Emancipation with young people in social conflict and Master’s degree in Intervention and Family Care. Systemic Family therapist with training in Therapeutic Parenting. She is currently completing her studies in the field of Attachment and Accompaniment – reparation of the trauma of youth in the Child Protection System and in transit to adult life. He is currently participating in the doctoral program in Education and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Vigo. Currently, she coordinates the Mentor Program and has gathered technical experience for the last 14 years in accompanying girls and boys of the Child Protection System.
“MENTOR Program’s Transitional Housing Model to Adult Life “
The residential care homes assisted by the Mentor Program are spaces where girls and boys of the Child Protection System between 16 and 21 years reside. They are places that encourage their comprehensive development by combining technical criteria with professional warmth. They make up an environment of socio-educational and therapeutic coexistence where a secure base is guaranteed to be able to take the step towards emancipation with the greatest personal capacity and preparation possible. We believe that residential care should be a valid alternative to the protection of girls and boys in the Child Protection System as long as it is beneficial to them, with rigorous criteria, supervision of socio-educational tasks, continuous training of professionals and solid networking. The priority objective of residential care homes will therefore be to support the processes of personal autonomy and the promotion of social participation as the basis of active citizenship as well as the integration of the life stories that they bring along to the extent that girls and boys allow it. In this conference, it is intended to make an approach to the educational model promoted by the residential care homes assisted by the Mentor Program, which is currently made up by eight units wich can hold up to 56 girls and boys.