University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Currículum vitae
Associate Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, where for several years he has been especially devoted to teaching and research of the evaluation processes and psychological intervention in aggressive behaviours in young people and adults. Psychologist specialised in Clinical Psychology and Psychology of Justice. PhD in Psychology. Responsible for several scientific projects in the field of sexual violence, funded by national entities and the European Union. Author of several scientific articles. In the scope of his professional activity, he has been a consultant to national and international governmental organizations. Current President of the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Psychology of Justice. Researcher at the Centre for Psychology of the University of Porto (CPUP).
“Prevention of sexual violence against youth”
The processes of psychological intervention with young people who committed sexual assaults were initially constructed by using existing theories and practices designed for adults, not considering that young people who committed sexual crimes could be different from adult offenders. Moreover, for several years, little consideration was given to the differences that might exist between young people who committed sex crimes and those who committed non-sexual crimes. For some decades now, a significant body of technical knowledge about this population -adolescents- has been developed, both at the level of primary and secondary prevention. These intervention strategies will be addressed by highlighting the results obtained so far in several studies conducted in Portugal.