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Paper submissions and congress proceedings

All accepted paper submissions will be presented at the Congress and included in the proceedings. They may be submitted in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Submissions 30,00€ + registration

The Scientific Committee will conduct a selection on all submitted papers that have been accepted, which will be included in a high-impact publication. If the submission is selected, we will contact you to proceed with the € 30 payment per author signing it.

Paper submission

An email will be received by you when your paper is reviewed by the scientific committee. Once accepted, the submission will be confirmed when the Congress registration and the submission fee are settled.

    Attach submission (.DOC format, DOCX. Maximum size 2Mb)

    Submission topics

    The topic of submissions will cover all those issues addressed in the field of the transition to adult life of young people in the protection system in a broad sense, trying to cover the aspects that may influence this path to transition as much as possible. The proposed lines should not be considered as the unique list possible but some guidance to the topics to be addressed. Find below some examples:

    • Research advances on adolescence and youth in transition to adult life / in social difficulty.
    • Training of professional workers dealing with young people.
    • Good intervention practices with vulnerable young people.
    • Networking: universities, professional workers, entities and public administrations in socio-educational action with young people.
    • Resilience, autonomy, empowerment and social well-being.
    • Social and labour insertion and transition to adult life of vulnerable young people.
    • School and socio-educational intervention with vulnerable adolescents and young people.
    • Leisure with adolescents and vulnerable young people.
    • Intervention with family in the care of vulnerable young people