Identidad para Ellos y Ellas – Asturias
Currículum vitae
Marcos Madrigal Juárez, born on 12 February 1974 in Gijón (Asturias).
Diploma in Social Work at the University of Oviedo, Founding Partner of I.P.E. (Identity for Them).
Since 1994 he has done various jobs as an assistant social action educator, educator in an open environment, social educator or technician in Social Intervention.
Since 2009 he has been doing some tasks related to the Management and Coordination in I.P.Eç, and since 2021 he has been trying to promote community participation in the district of El Llano (Gijón) with the aim of creating the First Community Plan.
“Good practices for the participation model”
“Nothing for us without us”
What does participation mean?
Expose both personal and organizational experiences in participation: Intra-institutional and Extra-institutional. Problem tree.
Final conclusions: Participation Day “We are what we do to change who we are”. Dialogue with Asturian youth. Key action 3: Support for youth policy reform for the implementation of a project in the field of youth under “ERASMUS+” program.