IGAXES – Galicia
Currículum vitae
Social Educator, graduated from the University of Vigo (Ourense’s Faculty of Education and Social Work). Currently, coordinator in the Program of transition to Adult Life, Autonomy and Emancipation for young people in vulnerable situations in non-urban areas at Igaxes.
Her professional career as a social educator focuses on intervention, both in residential resources and day care, with children and youth in the Galician protection system.
Her publications:
– Diéguez, N, Cid, XM, Carrera, MV i Cid, A. (2017). Educación per la Pau en la trayectoria Freinetiana. Del discurso originari als actuals movimiento de descola moderna a la península ibérica. Educación i Historia: revista d’història de l’educació. January-June (no.29), pp41-63.
– Diéguez, N i Cid, XM. (2014). Els quaderns escolars de la mestra Rosa Pons i Fàbregas. (Ed.) Imatges de l’escola, image de l’educació. Actes de les XXI Tornades d’Història de l’Educació (pp.137-146) Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
“Results of the Transition to Adult Life Program in Rural Areas”
A project so that young people in foster care or at risk of exclusion can have a future in rural areas without being forced to leave their roots behind.
Anyone should be able to build their life project in the place they want, although for young people it is increasingly complicated. The situation is even more complex for girls and boys in foster care or in a situation of vulnerability.
This program, funded by the European Union and the Galicia’s Regional Government aims to support young people so that they can build a life project, specifically, in the municipalities of southern Lugo and northern Ourense, knocking down barriers to get training, housing and employment as well as to promote a community bond.
The presentation will break down the results of the two-year intervention of the Program of Transition to Adult Life, Autonomy and Emancipation for young people in vulnerable situations in non-urban areas.